Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~literally my heart aches so bad! and, you?? :(

everything in this life has a reason. ask anyone you know,even the kafir may answer the same. Allah doesnt simply create us for nothing,Allah doesnt simply create the sky for nothing and Allah the Greatest Creator doesnt simply create our feelings for nothing!and,alhamdulillah,ALL PRAISE TO ALLAH at the age of 23 *1kut bulan belum lag1.. :P* eventhough my heart is chronically aching but i'm still breathing...(its aching thinking how much i've wasted my time doing sins while time flies so quickly and i have not repent wholly.. :( ya Allah,kau ampunkanlah dosa2 kami semue..amin.. )

oke,so much for the intro. actually i've been wanting to write for so long but due to some circumstances i put on hold some things in life to figure out what is actually my purpose of living.for the past one month and a half, 8 news of death reached my ears and like a wake up call-it made me wonder.. if death is an inev1table fate and to Allah we shall return,then why do most of us live in this world as if we will remain here forever,exempted from being questioned in the hereafter? in our daily l1fe,we choose taghut than Allah,mixing the halal and haram,and prefer jahiliyah than islam. why?? dont we know that death will not await us? not even later than a second!( ya Allah,kurniekan kami taufik dan hidayahMu,kekalkan kami dalam kemanisan imanMu dan matikan kami dalam hati yang sangat mencintaiMu.amin.. )

my heart ached each time i browsed the news regarding matters in malaysia. 1n such a nation that proudly declare themselves as a muslim country,i scarcely see any role model of islam as a way of living. gruesome killings,babies abandonement,sex scandals,fraud,rape,robbery. is this what we offer by telling the world we are an islamic country?? *astaghfirullah.. maluu laa nak ngakuu giniee..tutup mukee lahh.. iskk.. :(* my russian friend was considering to send her children to malaysie to study islam but i objected at once. how can i agree when i cant see any clear boundaries between halal and haram in malaysie? how can i say yes when i personally felt that moscow is more safer for a musl1m woman than in my homeland? so, yes. i sternly object.(these shows how human law is far more inferior than Allah's law. kenape nak pilih yang tidak berkesan?? *herm..sambil menggigit jari dan berfikir*)

but,back to me and our muslim role. we've seen the jahiliyah life. and we know that we are elected by Allah as a khalifah in this world. hence,can we just nag to the leaders, whine continously and put the blame to the offenders solely?? *ishh.. kte tunding satu je,tapi empat jari kat kte wooo.. adeii.. :/*of course not!if we want a change,we need to start it from ourselves.take the Quran and as Sunnah teach1ngs and ass1m1late 1t to lead our temporary life in this world.we are given only two path by OUR CREATOR-the taghut or,its your call- choose whats best and whats immortal! :) (semoge hati-hati kite dibukakan untuk menerime islam seluruhnye..amin.. :) *peringatan utk saye jugerr! ^_^* )

** Responsibilities of Khalifah are only three :
a. To perfect himself
b. To perfect society,and
c. And to perfect the physical world of space and time.( clean and beautiful so it is pleasing to Allah

["...Verily! Allah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah). ... [13:11]"]

p/s: kalo ikut had1th,kte kene hidup kat dunie ni macam perantau jer...cukupkan amal sebelum teruskan perjalanan ke destinasi yang kekal..aku pun hidup macam perantau ke tak nie ye?? 1skkk.............