Friday, May 15, 2009

~Eager to be beautiful , eventually being a fool… :(~

Who says only the bride should be at 1ts best during her wedding day?*w1nk3* My brother’s wedding reception is just 2 months away and i am already nervous to attend it. for the past 3 months, i’ve been work1ng my ass off to shed away few pounds and trying out numerous home remedies to make my skin glowing and more softer .*gambate!! :P* the init1al 2 months, everything was excellent. i lost a suprising 5kgs and my face was reacting so good due to the applying of yogurt and lemon on my face daily…*wootwoot :D* my trousers dropped a size,and i just couldn’t stop touching my clean radiant face…… whew,what a relief! (oke,perasan gle kot! Hahahaha~:P)

Overjoyed,neither would i’ve known i am actually selfdestructing myself…....*sigh*.after some t1me, i started to experience the bad side of my so-called realistic beauty plan. Simultaneous with the yo-yo effect, i started to crave for something sweet. Not just the fruit sweet, but the more creamy fat-fat ones..frankly speaking,1ts killing me inside especially when u see ur friends gobbling it without any worries and u on the other hand have to always count the calories and choose THE TASTELESS FOODS just to make it less desirable and consequently throwing away that eyesore bulking fat..............*urgh*

While i struggle to keep my weight on track, my face made a hassle of their own. Acne started to bud out(touching my face so frequently), and photosens1t1vity appeared. Can u believe it,out of everything.....PHOTOSENSiTiViTY??? *OMG* So, it means that my face cannot be exposed to the sun or else it will develop the white folliculitis……*crying :(* curious, i googled it up and found out that LEMON was the bad guy……......................... …enuff said. i’m such a desperate fool,right??? *adessss~~ :(*

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

~ how far the zodiac is true?

Maryam just get their perfect match criteria.
Maryam just get their perfect match criteria based on zodiac.

For Maryam Sakinah who have zodiac Gemini, below are their perfect match criteria :

Perfect Partners: Libra, Aquarius
Nearly Perfect Partners: Aries, Leo
Like Minded Souls: Gemini
Opposites Youre Attracted To: Scorpio, Capricorn
Learn From Your Differences: Taurus, Cancer
Not Your Destiny: Virgo, Pisces
Astrological Hell: Sagittarius

p/s: i dont have any librans in my list..kind to introduce a libran of my league please?? hohohoho.. :P

~wickedly CUNNiNG or GENUiNELY kind?

RON97 to cost more from September

Wednesday May 13, 2009

PUTRAJAYA: The RON97 petrol will be sold at RM2 per litre effective Sept 1, which is 20 sen more than its current selling price once the RON95 version is available nationwide.

The RON97 will be sold as a premium petrol product while RON92, the cheapest petrol currently available, will be removed from the market.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that RON95, to be sold at RM1.75, would be available to consumers in stages effective today and all petrol stations nationwide would sell the product by Sept 1..........................................

owh,did it came as a suprise for ya?? i guess not. well, at least NOT FOR ME.*smirk*frankly speaking, i'm not sure whether should i be smiling joyfully since we are eventually given the oppurtunity to get the best petroleum among most countries, or should i give a smack on my face so that i will wake up from all the lies and tricks that they've created all the while.*hurm* i know there's no benefit to make assumptions but my provocative mind just wouldnt stop....if they genuinely want to make it better for the whole nation, why on earth they have to remove the cheapest petrol and force the citizens to pay an additional 5 cent per litre for the new so called quality petrol??????

upon this implementation,its crystal clear that the mid and low class people will suffer the most .although the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob stated that the increase will not affect as much,but i on the other hand totally disagree.seriously, how genuine do these rich people know???? driving in their porches with the petroleum fully subsidised by the goverment,i doubt they will realise any difference-be it the pr1ce is as low as rm 1 per litre or as high as rm 5 per litre! the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer.....CRAPPP~~

oke,cool.back to the real subject.while the previous increase was due to the world's increase price of petroleum, this time around,truthfully,i didnt see any good reason for them to ascend the price up the hill AGAiN. as far as i am concerned,the current oil price is a small amount of USD 60 per barrel which is half of the value that was traded a year ago(when our gov decided to decrease the subsidy).so,honestly, was it really the quality that matters or was it only a scam to make it look like you are actually giving us the best when it was actually just a mere excuse to make us suffer more????(owhhhhhhhh...i dont have a car, and yet i am already tired of thinking about petrol and money.. *sigh*)

[“Dan peliharalah dirimu daripada siksaan yang tiada khusus menimpa orang-orang zalim sahaja di antara kamu. Dan ketahuilah bahawa Allah amat keras siksanya.”(Al-Anfal : 25]

p/s: the situation explains why there are so much of crimes involving the poor.. desperation makes people lose their mind.. :/

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

~kerana diet,aku terseksa.. :( ~

sungguh,aku sudah penat. penat mahu menimbang tiap kali selepas keluar dari tandas. penat mahu berkire-kire jumlah kalorie yang telah di telan. penat berlari,penat melompat.sungguh, aku sudah penat.*isk..isk..isk.. :(*ade juge terdetik dalam diri.. alangkah bagusnye aku yang dahulu..makanlah ape sahaje,namun masih senyum bahagia..sayangnye, mane mungken untuk aku menjadi yang dulu....lagikan sisir pantai pun berubah, inikan pule tabiat manusia.... :( (gendang gendut tali kecapi,kenyang perut senang hati... TipuuUUuuUUUUUUUU........... T_T )

*untuk sesiapa yang tinggi sepertiku,jumlah kalorie harian anda hanyelah 15++.dan,keropok lays kegemaranku 1tu..satu packet pun sudah 500 kalorie.. dan set1ap kali mahu mengunyah,sekurang-kurangnye satu peket...:(

["... ..dan jgnlah kamu berputus asa dr rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya
tiada berputus asa dr rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yg kafir."

- Surah Yusuf ayat 12]

p/s: down sebab penat-penat turunkan berat,pastu timbang,naik balik sebb tak jage makan... :/ dah,pasni kalo org offer makan pun..kene tolakkkk.... isk..isk..isk.. T_T

Monday, May 4, 2009

~inspired! *wink3* :D~

Sunday, May 3, 2009

~Pabile skinhead merajai,kami tersenyap sunyi~

suatu kelaziman di rusia tidak bermakne suatu yang norma di mata dunie.setiap tahun,menjelang sahaja hari jadi hitler, kami punye perintah berkurung dalam hostel bagi mengelakkan kejadian buruk yang di khabarkan banyak berlaku lantaran golongan skin head dan hooligan mule keluar mencari mangse-mangsenye. atas dasar "russia hanya untuk orang russia"....mereka memburu,menikam,membunuh....orang asing lari bertempiaran, orang mereka pula sekadar memerhati tanpe mampu berbuat ape-ape...........(macam polis pun takde kuase.. seriusss!:/)

tak gune?melampau??tak berhati perut??? ya,memang pun. aku pernah menonton dokumentari di youtube. semacam tidak percaya.semude-mude usia belasan tahun, sudah di doktrinkan pemikiran agak menge'nyah'kan orang asing yang menumpang di bumi russia. mulenye, aku memandang enteng. fikirku, barangkali filem itu sekadar mahu memomokkan kami sahaja!tambah lagi, aku sendiri pun tidak pernah mengalami ape-ape yang berbaur perkauman melampau sepanjang 5 tahun di sini,jadi aku enggan percaye....(konon nak sangke baik dulu aaaa... :/)

namun,benar kata orang..'sudah terhantuk baru terngadah' .baru sahaje 2 hari lepas,ket1ka kami(aku,mayein,dalila dan MF) sedang asyik berpiknik dan beriadah,datang segerombolan hooligan ke arah kami.kate-kate kesat di lontar bertubi-tubi dan kami d1 halau ibarat seorang pengemis!.dalam kami kebingungan itu, orang di sebelah sekadar tersengih sinis tanpe sebarang pertolongan!.*bengang gle kot* tapi sungguh,itulah mereka. demi "chenta" pade negare, sanggup berbuat ape sahaja!hatta menjadi orang yang tidak bertamadun pun, MEREKA RELA.... cheh~~

dokumentari tentang "hate crimes" dan skin heads..

dan bawah ni pule, gambar piknik kami yang separuh jalan itu.. thanks mayein dan dalila for making my 1st of may a different one this year! :D:D:D saye sayang kamooo bangatt.. hehehe~~

p/s: saye nak g taman kanak-kanak neyh.... sane ade pengawal, takde budak2 tak matang yang bajet dah besar.. huhuhu..

~exactly my type, my dream guy!.. :P~

Maryam completed the quiz "Who is your "perfect match"?" with the result Ambitious & Driven.

Your perfect match is someone who values success, is a natural born leader and constantly works hard to improve themselves and their life. They will deeply appreciate your ability to make them feel special. This type of person loves admiration and your giving, loving and wonderfully kind nature will make you their perfect mate. Your match also enjoys biking, hiking, working out and eating healthy-taking care of their body is a priority to them and they always look their best.This person will always protect you and keep your best interests at heart- they really want to go the extra mile to make you happy. The top traits they are looking for in a mate is loyalty and trustworthiness.They love a good challenge and are visionaries. This can hinder them when falling in love because they are very driven to find "the one" and won't settle for less. However, once they fall in love with you, they will be very affectionate and are enthusiastic about the relationship..

suprisingly, i did found someone close to these traits and i fall head over heels for him. *wow!*unfortunately,due to some circumstances we go separate ways and moved on..........................

so, i hope, maybe some day....when the timing is right and the money is sufficient(hahahahahah!! mate duetan! :P), someone else (w1th the complete descr1pt1on of th1s), will come to me with a 1 carat diamond ring and proposing knee bended !and, of course the answer is YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! ~hahahahaha....dreaming again..lalalalal~~! :P~

~odd one out~

i've always been known among my family members as the 'pelik' one.while many of my sibs were more into playing games and watching cartoons(childhood times), i will always be the one with the catalogues,dreaming of buying clothes in which we could afford but mum will definitely disagree.*yearning so much! :(* so, at 9 years old, after taking a sewing lesson of my own by flipp1ng thru my mom's sewing material, i created my very first vest from the kain of my favorite baju kurung-it was aqua in colour with some blue shades and dark colored floral prints.the buttons were taken from the trousers that were not used anymore, so the vest came out with all sorts of buttons.-big,small,white, black, grey,blue.. i thought it was un1que and colourful!*perasannyeee* :D:D:D seeing my vest,my mom was so proud of me and of course i am too! :D as i l1ked it so much, i wore it everyday and showed it to my uncles and aunties everytime they stopped by.*now i felt embarrassed!*then, in less then 2 weeks i got bored and decided to sew a new one.genuinely,i thought of impressing her(my mommy) for the second time.unfortunately,mum was disappo1nted with me as i choose my quite-expensive new baju kurung to be the guinea pig. .*sigh*frustrated as it may sounded,ever since, i stopped sewing my dream clothes and move on with creating my own batu seremban line and sell it to my fellow schoomates with the price of 50 sen per set......... owh, who on earth does that? (maybe the passion for trading was there the whole time..remember when i told u i sell nasi lemak when i was 6? :P )

p/s: waking up this sunday and my heart is totally at home.. how much i miss my family.... :(((