Friday, October 9, 2009

~lost and found?

have you ever gotten urself in a situation that you felt most of your things are missing? your housekey, your phone,your books or even your oh, u dont have to lie to me..i knowlah! *grinning* believe me,you're not alone.*i'm having it tooo.. :D*the truth is the temporary amnesic condition is not exclusively for the elderly but it may happen to any of us independent on how old we are..the causes behind this are perhaps due to the loss of concentration,anxiety,depression or simply a trait of a forgetful person! ( itu saye.. selalu je lupe..lagi2 name orang..sorry ye kenalan2 lame.. :P:P )

speaking about this,i've always adored my mum on how she taught us to "play the lost-and-found game".heheheh..i purposely call it a "game" because not a single day passed by in our beloved home, our house key went missing! *adek banyak,main rate-rate.. :P* initially the "game" will start of in a chaotic manner with people pointing fingers to each other, but later when my mum said the magic words,we start to search calmly..trying to focus on the bits of memory..tossing things up..and scaterring them down.....and eventually..." YEAYY...DA JUMPEE!!"-the euphoric exclamation was all over the house!

so,whats my mum's magic words?? well,its nothing like the abrakadabra witch thingy! *used to watch waktu kecik2 dulu.. :P* no2.. its just simple... recite SUBHANALLAH with the FULL FAITH that ALLAH will help us. yes,thats the secret!! :D i've tried countless times especially when my socks and the house key(see... its in the gene! :P) are missing... and trust me, it REALLY WORKS!!! just recite SUBHANALLAH silently and faithfully,god willing.. you'll find the hidden object of yours.... :):):) happy tasbeeh~ :D:D:D

[ "Those who persevere in patience, and put their trust, in their Lord and Cherisher" [29:59] ]

p/s: kalo bace subhanallah banyak kali,kompem lepas tu macam dapat idea kat mane kite last letak bende yang hilang tu.. tak caye,cubelah dulu! :)