Thursday, November 29, 2007

dearie osmonov..

From the bottom of our heart..we promise you 100%, we will try our best to impress you..with our's not accurately fair when u say how poor we were today..we tried our best for today's least most of them did. But, u surprised us with the questions from the previous classes without any prior notice. we are not as smart as u may think, but, it doesnt make us such a dumb either..if only you told us about today, we may be ready to answer ur questions and will not fumble in front of you and make ourself sounded stupid...frustrated indeed, but, u should have accept our case history and act more professionally. we do know you were trying to control your anger from us but that's not a reasonable way for not even go through our case history which took us about 2 days to get it done..sir, fyi, living here is not all about studying.. and i must say its quite ok to have some control our stress and make studying more enjoyable...2 hours reading was not ample enough especially when we were just about to familiarize with it..but, giving so many reasons like us doesnt really help in both ways i guess. so, all i want to say is, understand us..and, try to lower your expectation..we will try our best and stop giving so many nonsense reasons..and, please..dont scold us or use any harsh made us somehow b****ing about you later..and we hate to do so..

p/s: thanks for being patient with us all the while, but today proves that u can be so stern it would made us feel so scared just thinking of you..

sincerely yours,
Group 9


Anonymous said...

el khan osmonov...
saya tak suka dia...
die bukan ajar ape pun...
tiap kelas asek nak tnya jerr..
ajar haram tak pun...
at least guide la ape yg kite kena tahu....
ini tak langsung...
kalo setakat bace n ditnya, baek duk umah takyah g kelas...
4th n 5th yr dpt die...malang betul nasib!...6th yr ni tak tau la dpt die lg ke tak...mmg takde input lgsg blaja surgery kat sini melainkan dr buku rujukan sendiri...(takutnyer nak kerja nnt) cikgu len tak camtu pun... bak lilin yg mebakar diri...mencurah ilmu..
kitorang satu batch dah biase kena kate ngn die...kashmar, plokho, etc etc..
wat bodo jerr...
tp bagus gak amek hati dia...sbb kalo jadi jambu die...waktu final klo kena jwb ngn die...die kasik 5. mane yg die tak suke tu...die kasik 3@4 terus wpun kite jawab dgn sgt best n cemerlang...
cikgu camni ke yg kite patut sanjung n respek??...
maafkan saya sbb terlalu emosi...terkasar bahasa...
honestly, saya tak suke osmonov!