OMG!!! my exams are just around the corner...1'm start1ng to freak1ng out...ser1ously!! !.*aaaaaaaaaa streeeesssssss* =S 1ts not just the exams,btw... 1ts the 12 hour replacement class and the 9600 rubles as well..(now, only 1 understand how those people felt...) however, regard1ng the latter, after numerous hes1t1t1ons and attempts, 1 dec1ded to clear that one 1n apr1l.. l1ke my s1s sa1d " take th1ngs one step at a t1me" .yeah, 1 know 1'm qu1te messed up. th1s not the typ1cal of me.*1 used to always plan what to do and gett1ng th1ngs done.. * but 1 have to adm1t.1 created the fuss, so, 1 am the one that should clear 1t up.. 1ts better late then never, a1te?=) *pos1t1ve mode*
due to my negl1gence of the subjects thru out the f1rst semester,1 need to bear the consequences..*ouch! thar really hurts* =/1n th1s n1ck of t1me, all those 1nfos that supposed to be fam1l1r1ze about 6 months ago are forced to be st1ck 1n my l1mb1c system.. owh,stop be1ng dramat1c maryam!actually 1ts not really the whole mater1al..hehehehe=P to be spec1f1c, 1ts the paeds subject.the pract1cal one wh1ch unfortunately 1s wr1tten 1n russ1an.. =/ and what worr1es me,1s that 1'm not sure whether do 1 have the ample t1me to translate and memor1se the one and a half 1nch book 1n less than a week! *pray1ng really hard* =/
1 should have known what 1s 1n store for me.but 1 choose to be 1n a den1al, postgr1ef1ng per1od 1s surfac1ng and 1ts the t1me to mend all the selfdestruc1ng act1ons that 1've done to myself for the past half a year... AND to beg1n w1th,1s gett1ng me back on track as a med1cal student who knows almost noth1ng related to the 5th year's med1cal knowledge but the fact that m1stakes are really the greatest teacher 1n our l1fe.... =) (tolong doakan sy d1permudah urusan dalam menjawab peper1ksaan dan menyelesa1kan kerja.. *mohon dengan sangat* )
p/s: 1'm gonna m1ss blogg1ng for the next 2 weeks,but 1 really need to pr1or1t1ze and ga1n1ng back my concentrat1on and focus.... w1sh me luck! =)
Friday, February 20, 2009
~~ cause and effect relat1on~~
Posted by peesee86 at 7:20 AM
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