happy burfday 20th february bab1eeesss!!! =D *senyum selebar-lebarnya!*1ts qu1te a co1nc1dence as 3 of my fr1ends are celebrat1ng the1r b1rthday today....*fuyyooh!!huhu..* one 1s turn1ng 20, the other one just reached the trans1t1on age at 22.and, the oldest, 1s 1n the verge of becom1ng an adult-23....kudoooss to u guys for surv1v1ng the world for 2 decades! *tabek spr1ng* =) [semoga dengan bertambah us1a, bertambah juga ketakwaan dan ke1manan pada Allah. dan, mudah-mudahan kejayaan dan kebahag1aan dun1a akh1rat akan sent1asa bersamamu..am1n.. =)]
s1nce 1 am hav1ng a syndrome called "chron1c def1c1ency of money", so all 1 can do 1s ded1cat1ng th1s v1deo for them as a d1splay of my apprec1at1on and rememberence... well, people always say,1ts not the value of the g1ft, but the thought that counts, a1te? *the lamest reason for not spend1ng a peny or two.. =P* so, to u, b1rthday g1rls and boys... enjoy th1s short cl1p! ( 1 took 2 days to f1nd the r1ght one for the three of u....*semangat gle!* =P )
[Men are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.
- C.E.M. Joad]
p/s: th1s week and the follow1ng as well w1ll be qu1te a hassle.. 1 m1ght be rest1ng t1ll 5th of march..please pray for my exams and other th1ngs too.. =)
Friday, February 20, 2009
~~ s dnyom razhden1ye, ma1 druzyaaaa... =D~~
Posted by peesee86 at 1:01 AM
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