Sunday, February 1, 2009

~~ HOUGH~~

i cant hold my tears anymore.yesterday, i wept again. for the countless of times. the thought of leaving my 'comfort zone' is killing me inside. i'm not prepared mentally and emotionally to leave for moscow. but, by hook or by crook, i still have to come back to moscow to my daily routine life. the life that i dont want to be in anymore..........

i asked my sister, what if i opt for a break off from my studies for a few years and pursue my studies afterward when i am totally in control of myself. i would like to be a temporary chef as i have a passion in cooking. truthfully,i might end up even opening my own food chain if i wasnt to become a doctor!my sister reply to my request was short but very sharp and definitive.. " if u dont want to graduate in the same year with me, then go ahead.." (translated to english) upon hearing those cynical words, i stopped crying. and, as always, my sister would change the subject,just to distract me from thinking about the disheartening things.for that,she promised to bring me sightseeing on sunday..weeee~~*thanks fatimah* =)

so,the next day, she brought me to HOUGH... the scenery was absolutely breathtaking and serene.i felt calm and rejuvenated!i hadn't had such a feeling for some time. needless to say, its just perfect! the right time,in the right place.except to the fact, we were freezing cold as we didn't expect the temperature will sourly decrease! heh! =P but, at least moscow is far more colder than here and even by now it is at such a "warm" temperature of -21'c! (this is considered quite warm by the russian peeps who are used to -30'c - (-40'c).. its just crazy! =P)

owh, i forgot to state here.the last picture is a special picture of us! do u know why? hehe..this is actually a picture of the descenden of tokcik-nik hasnah. (from right, tihah(3rd cousin),fatimah(my sister),me,liyana(first cousin) ). people around us have always been asking: why there are so many of our "sedara" around the world. well, let me just say,"say no to birth controls and yes to more babies!" huhuhu.. =P

[Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein ]

p/s: mataku menjadi sembab kerana nanges.. adess! hancur gambar! huhu.. tak mau rosakkan mataku lagiiii...*kene slalu ingat neyh!* =)


Anonymous said...

its HOWTH mayam, HOWTH! hehe. but it doesnt really matter what the place is called, kan? hee

peesee86 said...

hahahhaha... 1 knew my spell1ng was wrong, but 1 just went ahead! hahah.. s1ll1y me, but, 1 dont feel l1ke chang1ng 1t YET! hehe.. =P that place was really great though!