1've been look1ng forward for th1s w1nter hols ever s1nce september! weee~~=)1 feel trapped somehow 1n moscow and 1 just want a new fresh a1r and away from the rout1ne 1fe as a med student.. so, 1 dec1ded to go somewhere..(heheh..l1ke eveyone dont know! ;P)1'm plann1ng to shop t1ll drop and deal w1th the debts later..hehe..as long as 1'm happy w1th 1t..1 dont m1nd spend1ng hundred of bucks! 1've been crav1ng to shop..shop..and just shop!=) 1 want to buy: booots, clothes, coats, shoes, makeups, perfumes,books,handbags,foods,..and the l1st goes on, 1t wll never ends..but, of course, thats what 1 want, but when 1t comes to affordab1l1ty, 1 just manage to get just a few..too bad!=( recently, 1 real1sed my crav1ngs for branded stuffs went up and 1 cant settle for a brand wh1ch has no brand..got 1t? the problem ar1se when 1 dont have that much of money to ma1nta1n and need to work extra hard to keep up w1th my l1fe..aha! 1 know2!! 1ts bad r1ght??? thats why, 1'm th1nk1ng, maybe 1'm chanell1ng my love from a boyfr1end to branded stufss!! or..maybe 1'm gett1ng t1red of sacr1f1c1ng for people and now 1ts t1me for myself..hurmm...but the truth 1s, 1 cant let myself l1ke th1s for the rest of my l1fe..1'll be BROKE!! no2.. 1 cant 1mag1ne my l1fe w1thout my th1ngs and my hobby!!(of course shopp1ng!!)so..what should 1 do? lower1ng my taste to the ord1nary goods or lessen my frequent to the shopp1ng complex? only 1f 1'm busy enough, then 1'll have to sk1p my le1sur1ng 1n the mall.. ;P but, see1ng the cond1t1on now, w1th no exams.(y1pee!!!), and no mov1es(naah...dont really l1ke 1t though), no ser1es(damn!!) too, guess 1 have no cho1ce, a1te?? ;P or..unless, 1 just stay at home and sleep..heheh..but somet1mes 1 w1sh to be as r1ch as bla1r and serena(owh..1'm an ardent fan of goss1p g1rl!!! =D) and just grab anyth1ng glamorous w1thout th1nk1ng of the pr1ce..but as far as we all know, a human w1ll never be grateful of what they have..hurmm.. even serena and bla1r seem not so contented w1th the1r l1fe because they lack of genu1ne love.(hahha..as 1f 1'm not.. ;P).wh1le 1, on the other hand, have been ungrateful because of unf1lled des1re for unnecessary stuffs! owh..aga1n..p1ty me!! wa1t2.. 1 guess, my top1c 1s sway1ng from shopp1ng to some tazk1rah..heheh..takpe2.. every story must have a moral a1te? ;P 1 st1ll remember, the tazk1rah from ks last saturday, anyth1ng we do, we have to be moderate.(thanks ks!! my soul 1s refreshed.. =) ).so, now 1 already know what 1should do....=)1 st1ll can go shopp1ng and spend few hundred of bucks but make sure 1t needs to be moderate..moderate as 1n..1N THE QUANT1TY!!.. ;P heheh..so,now, 1 need to browse thru the 1nternet and search for the good1es 1 want to buy that matches my budget for th1s tr1p!! hehe..w1sh me luck!! =)
p/s: 1've found a new 1nterest-make up!! hope 1'll get d1scounted pr1ces so that 1 can borong a lot!! weee~~
Monday, December 15, 2008
~~ shopp1ng vs money
Posted by peesee86 at 4:48 AM
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